
Supporting Children and Teenagers with Mental Health Issues

Mental Health Matters: Supporting Children and Teenagers with Mental Health Issues

As a parent, educator, or mental health professional, you are likely aware that mental health issues can affect children and teenagers. Conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression can significantly impact a young person's life, affecting their academic, social, and emotional well-being. However, with early intervention, support, and effective treatments, children and teenagers can learn to manage these challenges and lead fulfilling lives. This blog post will explore the various mental health issues affecting children and teenagers, their impact,...

kids being bullied at school - getting help from bullies - northland child psychiatry

The Devastating Effects of School Bullying

The effects of bullying can be long-lasting for victims, including fear and anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide.

Bullying is a persistent issue in society that has affected countless individuals of all ages. It is defined as the act of repeatedly and intentionally hurting someone through physical, verbal, or psychological means. Sadly, the effects of bullying can be long-lasting and can negatively impact the victim's mental, emotional, and physical health. In this blog post, we will discuss the different effects of...

Understanding Teen Anxiety -Symptoms and Strategies - northland child psychiatry - kansas city

Understanding Teen Anxiety: Symptoms and Strategies

As a parent, caregiver, or individual who interacts with teenagers, it’s essential to understand that occasional anxiety is normal. While some teenagers may experience temporary worry about their schoolwork, peer relationships, or future goals, others may feel overwhelming anxiety that interferes with their daily activities. Anxiety disorders can be debilitating, and it’s crucial to identify the symptoms and strategies to support teenagers experiencing anxiety.

Symptoms of Teen Anxiety

Symptoms of teen anxiety can vary depending on the type of anxiety disorder. Generalized...

How pre-teens and teens can manage anxiety - kansas city psychiatrist - brayden willis - kcpsychiatrist

How pre-teens and teens can manage anxiety

About anxiety

Everyone can suffer from anxiety at some point in their life. It's a common emotion characterized by a feeling of worry, fear and apprehension. Anxiety isn't limited to these feelings, however - it also includes physical symptoms like nausea and sweating, as well as changes in behavior like avoiding the source of worry or seeking additional reassurance.  Anxiety can be situational and thus resolved after the situation has passed, but it can remain without a specific cause. Everyone experiences...

northland child psychiatry - liberty missouri - brayden willis

Anxiety Disorders in Teenagers

Symptoms of anxiety disorders vary from teenager to teenager. Generally speaking, they include excessive fears and worries, feelings of inner restlessness, and a tendency to be excessively wary and vigilant. Even when there is no threat, some teenagers may experience continual nervousness, restlessness, or extreme stress. Anxiety teenagers may appear dependent, withdrawn, or uneasy in social settings. They may also seem either overly restrained or overly emotional. Preoccupation with worries about losing control or unrealistic concerns about social competence is...